Surprising Facts and Types of Rats You Might Not Know

Rats are not exactly the kind of animals anybody wishes to live with, and rightfully so. Besides the fact that they could be more than mere pests, they pose grave health risks and property damage. But aside from those well-known issues, and surprising facts about rats, not many people are aware of them. In the course of this blog, we will find out all these intriguing details and some of the common species that invade homes.

Did You Know Facts About Rats?

  1. Highly Intelligent Creature: The rat is an extremely intelligent rodent. They can be trained to run a maze, solve complicated puzzles, and even comprehend simple commands. Their intelligence level makes them more difficult to control and eradicate once they invade your home.

  2. Good Swimmers: Rats can swim for long distances and hold their breath underwater for as long as three minutes. This further enables them to enter homes through sewers and pipes, since it’s very hard to keep them out.

  3. Communicative Animals: These rats utter various sounds to communicate with each other, and they also make ultrasonic calls beyond human hearing. These calls help them coordinate their activities and spread the news concerning the appearance of a predator.

  4. Rapid Breeders: A male and female rat can have up to 2,000 young in one year. This may give rise to a fast-rising infestation that needs immediate control.

  5. Sensitive to Stress: Hardiness apart, rats are sensitive to stress and changes in behavior under uncomfortable conditions, be it heat, stench, noise, or elevated stress in some specific area. This at times may be one of the reasons for them seeking other nesting sites and landing in your home. To address this issue effectively, it’s essential to consult Pest Control Services In Chennai, which can help manage and mitigate these conditions to prevent rat infestations.

Types of Rats You Might Encounter

  1. Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus): Commonly known as the brown rat, this species generally has its distribution within both urban and rural settings. Larger than the roof rat, it possesses a blunt snout, small ears, and a robust body. Typically, Norway rats nest in burrows and are very good diggers.
  2. Roof Rat (Rattus rattus): Smaller and more acrobatic than the Norway rat, the roof rat or black rat often lives higher up in places like the attic, in trees, and on roofs. The rats have sleek bodies, large ears, and long tails.

  3. House Mouse (Mus musculus): Although not a true rat, this rodent is the one most people are likely to confuse as a rat simply because of its small size and similar habits. House mice exhibit great agility and can easily pass through very small openings, contributing to their difficult control.

  4. Giant Palouse Rat (Tylomys nudicaudus): Native to North America, this rat is less common compared to the Norway or Roof rats. Large in size with a long tail, it was found to inhabit grassy areas and open fields.

  5. Asian House Rat (Rattus tanezumi): Common to tropical and subtropical regions, the Asian house rat is smaller than the Norway rat but more slender in body structure. It is commonly found near human habitation and also lives in homes and businesses.

These types pose significant threats to your property and health, which is why professional Rat Control Services In Chennai are crucial for eliminating these pests.

Why Rats Are Dangerous?

Rats develop several health and property hazards. Rats are known to transmit diseases such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, and salmonella. Droppings and urine can deposit into food and onto surfaces, contaminating it and creating a potential health hazard. Rats can also chew through wires, insulation, and wooden structures, causing significant damage that could lead to costly repairs and create some serious safety hazards. Now you know the answer to ‘Why Are Rats Dangerous?‘.

Precautions to handle and prevent rat infestations include immediate and long-term strategies such as sealing entry points, maintaining cleanliness, and seeking professional pest control services, all of which are offered by Rat Control Services in Chennai.

All these surprising facts and the types of rats will help you better prepare and handle a rat’s infestation. At JCS Pest Control, we can be of great help regarding your rat problem or if you just simply want to make sure that your home stays rat-free. For whatever pest control needs you may have, Pest Control Services In Chennai will bring effective solutions into practice, depending on the nature of your specific circumstances. For a complete inspection and the best treatments to keep these pests from pestering your home, reach out to JCS Pest Control today.

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